Wow, only 4 days left in 2012. I hope it was a great year for everyone. It was a very challenging year for me, in almost every way. Am praying for a great 2013! :)
Well, today I shall review the Guerlain Blanc de Perle Lightening UV Base Brightening Pearl Perfection SPF 30. I have used this for about 6 weeks now and I absolutely LOVE it!
The pink spot on the tube denotes that it is the pink toned-version. They also have a beige-toned one, but because my skin has pink undertones and I love having a rosy, glowy look, I went with the pink-toned base (which was also recommended by the beauty advisor (BA) at the Guerlain counter). Initially I wanted to get the Blanc de Perle UV Shield Brightening Pearl Perfection SPF 50 as I felt that SPF 30 might be a little inadequate for our tropical sun. But after consultation with the BA, I decided to try the SPF 30 first and only move on to SPF 50 if I felt that I still needed it.
I only started using this a few days after I bought it because I wanted to finish off the remnants of my previous tube of sunscreen/base. Of course I had tried it at the Guerlain counter before purchasing it, but I have had some products which felt so nice at the counter, but disappointed me after a few weeks of usage. This was definitely NOT the case with this UV base!!
The moment I squeezed a tiny amount out of the tube, I was in love with it. It is this lovely, light-textured emulsion with an iridescent pink tone. It has this light powdery, floral fragrance that may turn some people off as I know not too many people are fond of fragrance in skincare. I adore the scent though. Makes me feel pretty... hahaha...
(pardon the tanned hand!)
When applied evenly onto my skin....
Doesn't it look lovely?
I must say that the pics really don't do justice to the product.
At first I was afraid that it would end up looking like an oily mess on my face after a few hours (tends to happen to me with many European brands), but under Guerlain's Lingerie de Peau foundation and a dusting of Meteorites Perles D'Azur, it still stayed nice, rosy and glowy, and my skin remained dewy. The BA mentioned that I needn't use any foundation over this, but me being me, I never leave the house without a little bit of foundation.
After 6 weeks, it has kept my freckles the same (I LOVE my freckles, don't get me wrong, I just don't like them getting bigger or darker), so I really didn't have to worry about SPF 30 not being adequate. :P
The only downside I can think of to this is that, if bought on its own, it costs RM193, which is a heck of a lot of dough to spend on a UV base. But now and then Guerlain has some best buy sets and I bought both this AND the Blanc de Perle essence (RM410) for only RM455. So at RM45? Definitely a steal! :D
Has anyone else tried this one before?
amaaazing product! amazing review too!!